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雅思口語Part 2:《拜訪但不想住的家》這道題雖奇葩但有趣

近期發(fā)布 編輯:環(huán)球教育 瀏覽:(708次)


  Describe a home that you enjoyed visiting but didn’t want to live in

  You should say:

  Where it is

  What it is like

  Why you enjoyed visiting it

  And explain why you would not like to live there

  不過,只要你找到了這道題的關(guān)鍵詞并做對了拆分,這道題其實也是簡單的。很多同學(xué)在看到題目的瞬間,目光就會被“enjoyed visiting but didn’t want to live in”給吸引,然后滿腦子都開始思考為什么還會有“既喜歡又不想住”這種事情的存在。

  但是,我會建議大家先把話題定語部分放一放,我們先把重點挪向話題關(guān)鍵詞:“Home”。整道題都是圍繞這個詞而展開,這也就意味著我們需要先明確“Home”的維度拆分方向。因為“Home=Accommodation+People”, 所以我們只需要分別考慮它們各自所包含的維度即可。如果你不太清楚“Accommodation”有包括哪些維度的話,你可以把“Accommodation等同于object”,因為房子在某種程度上也是一個物品,它是被公司開發(fā)出來的。

  Accommodation 維度拆分:

  Location/ appearance (size/color/shape/ material/ decoration/ style)/ popularity/ history/ owner/ architect/ price/ quality/ quantity etc.

  People 維度拆分:

  Hobby/ occupation/ personality/ appearance/ how you know (about)/ age/ life experience/ relationship/ where from (home address/ nationality/ hometown)

  education background/ family background/ social status/ marital status/ social network/ zodiac sign/ wealth/ sexuality/ habit/ language/ health/ popularity/ achievement/ name/ gender/ outlook etc.

 雅思口語Part 2:《拜訪但不想住的家》這道題雖奇葩但有趣



  Where it is


  Step one:絕對位置 (位于東南西北中具體哪個方位)

  Step two:   相對位置 (距離你家或者某一個地標建筑的遠近)

  Step three:  怎么過去(交通+路上花費時間)


  Example one:

  A home that comes to mind is my cousin's house. She has lived there for as long as I remember.  When I was young, I enjoyed visiting her home very much. It is a strange-looking house on the top of a mountain. Even though my town is small, it is still far from my home and about a 30-min walk away.

  Example two:

  A home that comes to mind is my friend’s flat. It is in the city center, so it is close to all the amenities 便利設(shè)施. Even though it is a bit far from my home, It is only 10 stops on the subway.


  What it is like


  Size 大小


  Example one:

  It is a small flat, just right for a single person. It has a small but cozy bedroom and a small but stylish 時尚的 living room.

  Example two:

  It is a big house with a huge home cinema and a private gym. It also has a big terrace 陽臺 and a garden which gives my friend enough space to relax and unwind 放松.

  Color 顏色

  顏色可分為亮色和暗色, 每一類色系給人不一樣的感覺。

  Example one:

  My friend decorated it with bold 大膽的 yellow color. Even though some people would hate this color in their house, he thinks it cheers him up.

  Example two:

  My friend decorated it with dark colors. He thinks it is a perfect choice to make his home more sophisticated and elegant.

  Decoration 裝飾物


  Example one:

  My friend likes a simple life so he has a minimal 極簡的 home. He doesn’t have fancy mod cons 現(xiàn)代化的生活設(shè)備 or lots of furniture as it would feel cluttered 雜亂的. However, he has a huge garden full of vegetables and fruits that he grows himself.

  Example two:

  My friend’s home has all the up-to-date mod cons and they all can be linked to the mobile phone, so he can control them from anywhere. In the house, he has a voice recognition system 語音識別系統(tǒng), so he changes the temperature of the air conditioning or change the TV channel just through using his commands.

  He also has an incredible bathroom with a top of the range 高級的 power shower and his living room has the most comfortable sofa with a built-in 內(nèi)置的 massage function.

  Material 材料


  Example :

  As my friend is an eco-warrior 環(huán)保主義者, he lives in an environmentally-friendly house. His house is only made of natural materials, like bamboo and mud. It is completely sustainable in that he grows all his own food. It looks amazing and blends into 融入于 nature.

  Style 風(fēng)格


  Example :

My friend lives in a Mediterranean style house. It is painted bright white and blue and it has lots of rustic furniture. It is light and airy and there is a terrace that goes all around the house. There are many olive trees in the garden and lots of beautiful artwork everywhere.

  清楚各角度的拓展方向后,我們就可以按自己的想法對房子進行描述。你可以從“顏色+大小”出發(fā)來描述這個“Home”, 你也可以從“材料+裝飾物”的角度著手進行闡述,總之,描述重點取決于你。你想突出哪個角度就突出哪個角度。

  Example :size+decoration

  I haven't been there for a while but from what I remember the house is a bit run down 破敗的 and shabby 破舊的, as it was built about 50 years ago. It isn't very big compared to other houses in my hometown.

  It has two floors and there are 7 rooms inside. I don't think it has ever been redecorated so it looks very dated. All the furniture inside has a very traditional Chinese style and there are no up-to-date mod cons.

  Example :size+color

My friend’s home is very big and spacious. There are 3 floors and 10 bedrooms. I always joke with him that his home is more like a hotel. As he doesn’t have an extended family, most of the rooms are vacant.

Another big feature of his home is that each room has a bright bold color, so my friend likes to sleep in different rooms depending on his mood. If he is happy, he stays in the yellow room, but if he wants to calm down, he uses the room on the top floor which is decorated in dove grey.


  Why you enjoyed visiting it


  Example :

  I enjoyed visiting my friend’s home, as it is surrounded by nature and you can enjoy a laid back 悠閑的 lifestyle in this place without too much noise. I remember in the past when I visited his home, I always forgot all the stress from my studies and I felt recharged when I left.

  你喜歡去拜訪的原因也有可能和“people”的維度有關(guān)。比如,從“hobby“著手,里面住著的人可能非常擅長做飯;從 “education background”著手,房子里住著的人可能受教育水平很高,可以幫你答疑解惑;從“personality”著手,房子里住著的人可能非常平易近人或者擅長鼓勵人;從“appearance”著手,房子里住著的人可能很帥或者很美等。

  Example one:

As an only child, I really liked to go to my cousin’s home. Whenever I stayed with her, I never got bored or felt alone. She always helped me with my homework. Sometimes she would also cook delicious food for me.

  Example two: I liked visiting it because my friend’s grandma was really good at cooking. She was a very hospitable old lady and had worked in a restaurant for 40 years. She could cook various kinds of cuisines including western dishes.

  When I went there, she always prepared a big, slap-up 大而又奢侈的 meal for me. In return, I also took some nice gifts for her. She liked me visiting their home.

  Example three:

  I liked visiting it because my cousin is a walking encyclopedia 活字典 and I could always gain lots of knowledge from her from Chinese history to Western culture. I never got bored when talking to her.

At the same time, my cousin is very good at encouraging and inspiring people. She gave me lots of confidence and because of her, I participated in various kinds of competitions and even won many prizes.


  Why you would not like to live there



  Example :

  Even though I love visiting my cousin, I definitely wouldn’t like to live there, as her home is a bit scary especially at night. As her home is on the mountain, there are some cemeteries 墳?zāi)?close by.

  I always had nightmares when I slept over and thought there were ghosts in the room. For this reason, i always preferred visiting in the day.


  Example one:

  Even though I liked visiting my friend’s home, I wouldn't want to live there, as his family has a very self-disciplined lifestyle. They usually get up at the crack of dawn 早起 and have breakfast together at 6 am. As I am a night owl and I always struggle to get up early, I always felt sorry and embarrassed when I came down and they were waiting for me.

  At the same time, his mum is a bit of a neat freak 潔癖 who likes to keep everything clean and tidy. As I am totally the opposite, I would find it difficult to live there for more than a few days.

  Example two:

Although I always felt happy visiting my cousin’s home, I wouldn't want to live there, as I have never liked her grandmother.  She can be very mean and she always looked down on me, as my family weren't  as wealthy as her family. She used to talk about me behind my back.  Because of this, I only visited my cousin when her grandma wasn't at home .



  Where it is

  A home that comes to mind is my cousin's house. She has lived there for as long as I remember.  When I was young, I enjoyed visiting her home very much. It is a strange-looking house on the top of a mountain, Nowadays it is a bit run down and shabby.

  What it is like

  I haven't been there for a while but from what I remember the house isn't very big compared to other houses in my hometown. It has two floors and there are 7 rooms inside.

  I don't think it has ever been redecorated so it looks very dated. All the furniture inside has a very traditional Chinese style and there are no up-to-date mod cons.

  Why you visited it

As an only child, I really liked to go to my cousin’s home. Whenever I stayed with her, I never got bored or felt alone. She always helped me with my homework. Sometimes she would also cook delicious food for me.

  And explain why you would not like to live there

  Even though I love visiting my cousin, I definitely wouldn’t like to live there, as her home is a bit scary especially at night. As her home is on the mountain, there are some cemeteries close by.

  I always had nightmares when I slept over and thought there were ghosts in the room. For this reason, i always preferred visiting in the day.
