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我們今天從一個例子入手:How would you write an overview of the information in the bar chart below?關(guān)于下面這張柱狀圖,你會怎么描述呢?
給同學(xué)們兩個提示:My tip is to look at two things: (1) every year (2) across the years.
一、看每年的數(shù)據(jù)In every year: what can we say was true in all three years on the chart?這三年的數(shù)據(jù)都有什么共性?One possible answer: most Americans ate in fast food restaurants between once a week and once a month (the two middle categories have the highest bars in all three years).也就是圖中占比最大的兩部分。
二、看各年數(shù)據(jù)的對比Across the years: is there a change or trendacross the 10-year period? 考慮10年這一事件跨度,有什么趨勢或變化?One possible answer: Americans ate in fast food restaurants less frequently in 2013 (once or twice a month instead of once a week).美國人吃快餐的頻率降低了。
接下來,要如何把上面兩個方面簡潔地寫出來呢?Here'san overview paragraph using the ideas above:
It is clear that the majority of Americans ate in fast food restaurants between once a week and once a month in all three years shown on the chart. We can also see that there was a shift towards eating in these restaurants less frequently by the end of the 10-year period.
How to choose information from the Bar Chart?柱狀圖的難點在于篩選信息,否則難以做到“全面”又“簡潔”
一般要在150詞左右涵蓋整張圖表的信息。The task requires you to write 150 words in total, and one sentence contains around 10 to 15 words.每句如果有10-15個單詞的話,就只有10-12句話 We can estimate that your description of the Bar Chart will be made out of 10 to 12 sentences.
以全文共10句為例 For the sake of this example, let’s say our description will be made out of 10 sentences.
可以將文章簡單地分配這幾部分We can now assign each sentence for a specific task:
·One sentence for introduction.開頭
·Two sentences with the superlative.最大值/最小值等極值
·A sentence with a comparison.對比
·A sentence grouping two data points because they are similar.?相似點
·A sentence noting an exception. ?例外
·Two sentences describing the trend.變化趨勢、未來走向
·Two sentences for summary.最后總結(jié)概括
這只是一個參考,考生不必完全按照這個順序來寫 Note that these sentences don’t necessarily need to go in this particular order.最重要的還是要有邏輯!讀起來自然流暢,而不是像在套模板!You must write them in a way that makes your Bar Chart description flow naturally.
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